Thursday, May 28, 2009



Phuh lamanya tak menulis di blog ni, too busy sampai nak jenguk sekejap pun tak sempat

I would like to share my reunion experienced in this blog of mine, saja syok syok nak tulis.

23rd May 2009, tarikh keramat, I was so shocked, my ex college mates wants to have a reunion party, and guess where, at the place where I work? After 28 years not seing any of them, trying to bury myself with all other activities except anything to do with old friends, now I'm stucked. I cant go anywhere, some of them already knows that I work here,( thanks to my GM , who was from the same college).

Mana mau lari, Lolly & Kelon is here to see Aziah about the receptions for the reunion, and i have to go and see them , to say hello..................... and welcome to our place.

So on 23rd May, Mami (with the new dress and the borrowed tudung) dengan selambanya membuat kejutan kepada mereka yang hadir. I dont recognise most of them but surprisingly , almost all of the recognised me, wow they even said that I did not aged at all.............

Even most of the boys recognised me, buta as usual, some of them still call me Mashitah, mcm dulu jugak. Most of my ex classmates/Homeroom mates was there, Tholaat, Shan,Azrein, Rosni,Linda,Ridzuan.

Most of the girls looked the same, but the guys............, I am so sorry to say, I managed to recognised only Ridzuan and Rohime, the others, Tipah was very helpful...............

So after 28 years I left school, that was the first time I managed to bring myself to a reunion with my ex college mates. I dont I will ever go to one, but luckily they were having it here at my place so, since you cannot run anymore you might as well joint them.

So that was the reunion story.

Thats it for now, bye.

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