ok, Nampaknya Mami lama dah tak menulis di blog ni sbb dilanda kebosanan tahap maksima.
Tetiba saja terbaca sesuatu yang menarik dari egroup mail, ada sorang hamba Allah yang bukan Islam ingin bertanya sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan makna hidup, dia nak tau apa pandangan Islam terhadap soalan soalan yang sering berlegar di kepalanya, so semua sahabat pun suruh dia tanyakan soalan tersebut so he shoot the questions.
The questions are:
1. Why was this universe created?
2. Who are we?
3. Where did we come from?
4. Why are we here on Earth?
5. What is our purpose here and where do we go from here?
6. Where is heaven and where is hell? Is heaven (syurga loka) a spiritual
> world and our ultimate destination target?
7. Does one condemed to hell stay there forever and never have chance to go
> to heaven?
8. After death, where does a non-muslim go? (be frank according to what you
> had been taught)
9. Does animals have soul? If yes, What is their purpose on earth? Where do
> they go after death?
10. Can God have a form?
Aduh, membaca soalan soalan diatas sudah membuat Mami berpeluh dahi, inikan pulak nak menjawab nya. Jadi maipun mengikuti pekembangan jawapan yang diberi oleh sahabat sahabat lain dlm egroup, masing masing memberi jawapan yang amat ringan kerana pengetahuan ugama yang agak terbatas dan mengesyorkan sahabat yang bertanya itu mengikuti dialog dialog berkenaan makna hidup yang sering diadakan oleh para ulama agama islam.
Dalam meneliti jawapan yang diberikan, Mami tertarik dengan jawapan yang diberi oleh seorang sahabat, beliau menjawab dengan tenang dan jawapan yang diberikan adalah berlandaskan pencariannya . Mami rasa kagum dengan jawapan yang amat mudah diterima akal dan diikuti oleh semua peringkat umur.
So mami has borrowed his answer so that anybody who read this blog of mine can share the knowledge.
And, his answers are :-
1. Why was this universe created?
> 1. Because He can, seriously!
> 2. Because He wants to show his greatness.
> 3. Because He wants to show that he exist
> 4. Because He wants us to ponder about who the creator is.
> 2. Who are we?
> 1. We are His best creation (although the universe is more 'difficult' to
> create).
> 2. We are all children of Prophet Adam a.s.
> 3. Where did we come from?
> Our original kampung is Syurga, before Shaitan (Satan) orchestrated the
> expulsion of our grandfather Prophet Adam a.s. from it. Satan was also
> banished from Syurga, condemned to Hell (but managed to 'negotiate' a
> respite or extension of time until the Day of Judgement) and vowed that he
> will deceive as many human as possible to be with him in Hell forever. Satan
> is the real and most dangerous enemy, not our fellow humans.
> 4. Why are we here on Earth?
> 1. We are here as part of transition phase of our existence. First phase is
> Alam Roh (realm of soul/spirit). Here ALL human soul have attested that
> Allah is our one and only God, we just don't remember anymore.
> Second is Alam Rahim (realm of the womb) where we stayed for nine months.
> Third is Alam Dunia (realm of this earth).
> Fourth is Alam Barzakh a.k.a Alam Qubur (realm of the grave) where we will
> dwell until the Trumpet of Day of Resurrection, after the End of The
> World, is sounded.
> Fifth and lastly is the Alam Akhirat (realm of the hereafter) where ALL
> human beings and jins will be brought together and to appear in Allah's
> court one by one, to account for all our actions. After this is either
> Syurga/Jannah (Heaven) or Hell, for eternity. We want to come home to our
> original kampung.
> 2. We are here to be tested so as to see who is the best among us in Taqwa
> (piety/god-fearing).
> 3. We are here to be a servant of Allah the Almighty.
> 4. We are here to be Khalifah (vicegerent) of Allah the Almighty. To take
> care of this beautiful planet of His and to do his bidding.
> 5. What is our purpose here and where do we go from here?
> Purposes are similar to the above answers. After our fleeting and temporary
> tenure on this earth, we will be ushered to the fourth and fifth phases,
> whether we do it obediently or grudgingly, as with the earlier phases.
> 6. Where is heaven and where is hell? Is heaven (syurga loka) a spiritual
> world and our ultimate destination target?
> Both Heaven and Hell is not within our physical universe. They are in
> different dimension/realm/frequency. I'm not sure if they are already
> existed now. I believe some scholars say that they will exist only after the
> Day of Resurrection. They definitely are matters of the fifth realm i.e.
> Alam Akhirat. There is also a place in-between, where people who have equal
> amount of pahala (good deeds) and dosa (bad deeds) will go. The
> Catholics believed in a similar place called Purgatory.
> Heaven is similar to our present existence, not just spiritual but greatly
> magnified. Our grandfather, Prophet Adam a.s. HAS been there remember! In
> there are what eyes have not seen, mind have not conjured.
> It is the ultimate goal of all believers, balik kampung for good.
> 7. Does one condemed to hell stay there forever and never have chance to go
> to heaven?
> Those who disbelieve or rejector of God and will stay forever. Those who
> believe but have more dosa than pahala will stay until time prescribed (in
> other words, have to do time).
> An important note here: believers are people who follow all the Nabi
> (prophets) of Allah. Allah promised and sent 124,000 prophets through the
> eons, during the existence of humankind from the time of Adam a.s., to guide
> people who are astray. He sent prophets to All people and tribes (merciful
> God He is). Out of the 124,000, there are 313 Nabi who are also Rasul
> (messengers). They have the added responsibility to preach and invite. Out
> of the 313, the Quran mentioned 25 by name. Out of the 25, there are 4
> Ulul-azmi (most tested) which are Nabi Ibrahim (father of monotheism), Nabi
> Musa, Nabi Isa and Nabi Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be to all of
> them.
> However, people are suppose to follow the lastest prophet (akin to having to
> use the latest and updated versions of things) because after a while people
> begin to forget and gone astray. Herein lies the biggest point of
> contention. Allah says the all the prophets that was sent have been mocked
> and rejected (by some, of course). Nabi Muhammad was the last and final
> prophet. He is also known as The Seal of The Prophets. Because he is the
> last and final prophet, his messege is the last updated versions and was
> sent to ALL mankind. Other prophets was given book too, but only to their
> own community and valid up to the next prophet.
> 8. After death, where does a non-muslim go? (be frank according to what you
> had been taught)
> After death, believers of all the prophets have a chance to go to heaven.
> Disbelievers will not. Notice that I put it as 'have a chance to go to
> heaven'. Not automatic or anything. Believers may have the 'passport
> (minimum access card)' but permission is granted upon passing of Allah's
> court. People born in a believer family is not automatically have a passport
> too as they can go astray . People not born in a believer family is also not
> automatically NOT have a passport as Allah can led them to the correct
> path. All His servant's fate is in His hands.
> 9. Does animals have soul? If yes, What is their purpose on earth? Where do
> they go after death?
> The first part is rarely discussed and I have never come across one. However
> I will put up an arguement.
> 1. Allah mentioned that all living thing will have a taste of death. Death
> means that the soul have departed from the physical body. Allah mentioned 3
> types of living thing; angels (having akal(intellect) but no nafsu
> (desire)), humans (having akal and nafsu) and animals (having nafsu but no
> akal). All these creatures will experience death, so by inferrence, all have
> soul. We know we do!
> 2. Their purpose is to serve mankind, for food, shelter, beast of burden,
> clothing, pets, also for a venue for humans to do good deeds such as caring
> for them, etc. Definitely not to be abused. So does the rest of the things
> in this whole universe. Sun, moon, trees, fishes in the ocean. Even the tiny
> nucleus of an atom - so that mankind can harness energy from it (not to kill
> people, if he does, he is not performing his duty as the khalifah of Allah
> on the earth. He is abusing his duties).
> 3. After death, animals will no longer exist except those that need to
> appear in Allah's court to testify against humans who treated them unjustly.
> After that they will also ceased to exist.
> 10. Can God have a form?
> God has a 'form' but we cannot see Him now, only in Alam Akhirat (means
> after we die). We and the whole physical universe are of different make-up
> from Him that makes it impossible for us to view Him now. After all, if can
> see him now, the whole concept of faith and believing in the unseen will
> become useless and irrelevant and meaningless.
> And also, whatever that a human mind in this world conceives, that is NOT
> Him.
> The Prophet said that in Heaven, we will see Him as clear as we see the full
> moon, indicating He can have a form that is different from what term as form
> now. He also says that seeing Allah is the most pleasurable
> (indescribable) of all the pleasures in Heaven.
Begitulah jawapan yang diberi, menakjubkan , Subhanallah, Maha Suci Allah yang memberikan pengetahuan kepada sahabat ini yang dapat menerangkan hati kita yang lain yang kurang pengetahuan.........Aaminnn.
Jadi sama samalah kita merenung jawapan sahabat yang sorang ini
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
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