Lama Mami tak menulis diblog ni, sbb sebok sangat dengan tugas seharian, cehhhhh macam la mami ni kerja besar sangat pulak.
Hari ni Boss Mami sedang berada di Hospital, mungkin dah masuk OT pun untuk menjalani pembedahan membuang Fibroid . Insya Allah Mami doakan pembedahan itu berjaya dan dia tidak menghadapi konflik apa apa.
Hai bila diingat ingat kan seram juga, ya lah sedangkan tidur tu pun sebenarnya maut yang kecil, inikan pula dibius sehingga tidak sedarkan diri sebelum dibedah. Muga tidak ada perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku................aaaaamin
After the operation she was adviced by her doctor to rest for at least a month.................aduh sakit la kami kat Office ni. She is a GM, and now she will be on MC for at least one month. She signs cheque for the company, she is responsible for verifying/endorcing almost every purchases, she will be the one seeking approval from the GMD for almost all purchases. So bila dia tak dak ni, payah la sikit.
Jadi sebelum di bercuti panjang ni macam macam la wasiat dan mandat yang dia berikan kepada Mami dan rakan rakan setugas yang lain. So hari ni bermula lah segala tugasan Mami yang baru, buat sementara waktu ni.
First thing in the morning, my COO has called asking about how the petty cash at our subsidiaries in Sabah is being manage, it seems that this people in Sabah has told him that HQ was doing a slow job in reimbursement of the Petty cash
kalau dah bila duit tinggal sesen baru nak buat reimbursement memanglah tak boleh nak bayar staff claim on time, HQ will at least take about one week to prepare the reimbursement, that is providing all the Taikos who can check/endorse/verify/ approve and sign the cheques are at the Office. If one Taiko is outstation, another one on leave, another one on MC, apa hakak nak buat cik oiiiiiiiiiiii, berjanggutlah jawabnya.
That is one thing I dont understand about these people at the subsidiaries, they never follow procedures and always blaming HQ for everything, and this COO aiyooooooooooooooo, selalu on their side wo
So the whole morning was spent explaining to the COO about the procedures ," How to reimburse petty cash". Penat lah Mami mcm ni. There's alot of things to be done, since the GM is away, and I have wasted the whole morning because of this stupid issue.
Kalau pasal subsidiaries ni mami memang selalu la gaduh dengan COO yang satu ni, buakan naya apa, dia ni suka sangat mendenagr dari sebelah pihak sahaja. Dan pihak yang dia selalu denagr ni memang la dipenuhi denga penipu penipuave been manupulating every issues yang sentiasa akan menagmbil kesempatan untuk menyalahkan pihak diatas apa saja kegagalan mereka.
Mami can give alot of examples of how these people has been manupulating This COO for quite some time. Antara contohnya, bila buat sales, selalu tak buat collection, bila ditanya kenapa tak buat collection, Jawapannya, " kami tak tau Invoice mana yang customer belum bayar, Finance tak bagi kami account receivable, so Finance la yang salah............, so Finance will have to give them Account Receivables every month. But yang herannya they are the one who had issued the Invoice to the cutomer, but they dont keep any track for the payment. For Your info, Finance tu kat HQ la, kat opis Mami ni.
When they need to repair any machines at their operation centre, they will have to ask for approval from HQ (from The GM la). But when we ask them to attach quotations from suppliers (we need at least 2 quotations) they will give us hundreds excuses such as susah la, tak dak quotation la, and of course when the attachment is not complete the GM won't approve the request. Then they will tell the COO, HQ said cannot do the rapairs. Phuh mau pengsan bila deal with this kind of people. Same goes to their request for outstation advances, esok nak pergi hari ni request for advance , mana la sempat nak get approval from taiko, nak prepare cheque lagi nak dapatkan signatories lagi. phuh kalau kerja 25 jam sehari pun still cannot fulfil their request.
The company that Mami is working with at the moment has 13 subsidiaries all over, and the subsidiaries are in KL, Selangor, Putrajaya, Lumut, Tawau and Kota Kinabalu..............I would like to tanya kalau you yang kena what willl you do? Do like I do lah, gaduh with the COO.
Itula cerita mengarut mami pada hari ini. So sampai ada kesempatan untuk menulis lagi, bye.......
Permata ‘Akal Budi’ yang Hilang
23 hours ago
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